
Joanna Castle Miller on ‘Writing Sketch Comedy’

Video Version

Why does one sketch on Saturday Night Live live on forever and the next flops? How do you turn a funny idea into a successful 3-5 minute comedy piece? And most importantly, how can sketch comedy writing improve any writer’s work, even across other genres?

Joanna Castle Miller discusses her background and experience in learning to write sketch comedy. She shares the benefits that sketch writing has brought to her work and why she is eager to share those teachings with Alaska writers via her virtual class with 49 Writers.

Joanna Castle Miller is a NY-based writer, performer, and satirist whose sketches have been featured by Time, Fortune, Funny or Die, WhoHaha, Comedy Cake, and performed at iO West, UCB, and Second City. For four years, she worked as a staff writer for beloved LA political sketch show Top Story Weekly and was a house sketch writer for iO West. Her sketches have been adapted into plays, musicals, and short stories, including The World’s Next Tooth Fairy and Fox News the Musical! 

You can find out more about this class at

Bostin Christopher hosts the conversation. Juneau Afternoon airs at 3:00 p.m. on KTOO and KAUK with a rebroadcast at 7:00 p.m. Listen online or subscribe to the podcast at

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Juneau Afternoon is a production of the KTOO Arts and Culture Team.
Bostin Christopher produced today’s show with help from Erin Tripp.

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