
Is Leadville the highest city in the US?


With an elevation of 10,152 feet — almost 2 miles above sea level — Leadville is the highest incorporated city in the United States. Alma, Colorado, is the highest incorporated town in the U.S., at 10,578 feet. 

Among statutory municipal governments in Colorado, including Leadville and Alma, the distinction between a town and a city depends on their population upon incorporating. Areas with 2,000 or fewer residents can form a statutory town, while areas with more than 2,000 people form a city. If a city loses population or if a town gains population after incorporating, it is not required to change its structure. In contrast, home rule municipalities can call themselves what they see fit. 

Some ghost towns have elevations higher than both Leadville and Alma, such as Animas Forks at 11,200 feet, Climax at 11,342 feet and Tomboy at 11,500 feet. 

See full source list below.

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9 Reasons Why Locals Love Leadville (and So Will You), Colorado Tourism, July 12, 2024. Source link.

Town of Alma homepage, Town of Alma, accessed in February 2025. Source link.

Colorado Local Government Handbook, Colorado Legislative Council Staff, p.15, accessed in February 2025. Source link.

A 60,000-Person Town And A 100-Person City? How Colorado’s Communities Get Named, KUNC, Feb. 27, 2020. Source link.

Colorado Municipal Government an Introduction, p. 2, Colorado Municipal League, Apr. 14, 2020. Source Link.

Animas Forks, Colorado Encyclopedia, accessed in February 2025. Source link.

Nifty Names: Ghost Towns of Western Colorado, Mesa County Libraries, Oct. 31, 2024. Source link.

Type of Story: Fact-Check

Checks a specific statement or set of statements asserted as fact.

Por recently graduated from CU Boulder with a master’s degree in journalism and is interested in writing about the environment and exploring local stories. When not working on some form of writing, Por is either looking for Thai food or petting…

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